Frequently Asked Questions

School Security System Questions & Expert Answers

School administrators and safety officers regularly ask questions about The SmartBoot System® and The Boot®. Here are answers to help you make informed decisions about protecting your facility.

The Boot Strap is an attachment that makes The Boot compatible with outswing doors. It is bolted through the door near the bottom and works in unison with The Boot, preventing the door from being pulled open from the outside. Inswing doors do not need a Boot Strap. Any force applied from the outside in an attempt to push the door open is absorbed by The Boot and the door jamb.

The SmartBoot System® is equipped with an anti-tampering mechanism to deter anyone from accessing The Boot in a non-emergency. Removing The Boot from The SmartBox triggers a three-second countdown and activation warning before the system enters Full Lockdown mode. If The Boot is returned to The SmartBox before the countdown ends, Full Lockdown mode will not be activated. Administrator Tablets will be notified where and when a Boot was pulled and replaced, prompting a building administrator to acknowledge the alert and investigate the incident with caution.

Assistance Needed mode is a system alert that acts as a silent alarm. The alert is shared exclusively via Smart Tablets so staff can request assistance at their location without escalating a tense or uncomfortable situation while they wait for help to arrive.

No, The Silent Boot System does not have this capability. Only The SmartBoot System® and The Mass Alert Lockdown System have the ability to connect to police dispatch. Linking these lockdown systems to your building’s local dispatch center is an optional feature that requires additional integration, permissions, and setup.

Routine maintenance and periodic testing ensure that your lockdown system remains fully operational at all times. System maintenance needs vary based on several factors, including system type and activation frequency.

The SmartBoot System® and The Mass Alert Lockdown System utilize lithium-ion batteries that typically need to be recharged once per year or every four system activations. For systems with The Boot, floor sleeves need to be vacuumed weekly and cleaned with a wire brush at least once per month to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating. We offer preventative maintenance packages to ensure that routine care and system functionality tests are performed efficiently and correctly, saving time for your staff and giving you peace of mind.

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