Seven Education & Safety Blogs We Follow

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We feel it’s important to educate ourselves and find new information from experts and people that live and work in the field of education and school safety every day. We’ve put together a list of seven of our favorite education and school safety blogs to share with you. We hope you’ll find this list interesting and check out some of their great articles*.

1. Campus Safety Magazine

The Campus Safety Magazine blog provides a continuous stream of high quality articles covering a variety of topics including school lockdown safety, campus safety and security, gun violence information, and a diverse array of articles, opinion pieces, and advanced documentation that delve into many different components of safety and security. We often cite articles from their blog and topics from their website in general as they have a non-biased approach to most of their content, and it is well-researched and maintains a consistently high standard. We think you’ll learn as much from their articles as we do and recommend visiting their site to learn more.

2. The School Safety Law Blog

The School Safety Law Blog is an interesting member of this list because the blog itself is a compilation of articles from around the country that deal with school safety issues and legislation. From funding for school lockdown system implementation, to gun safety laws and issues related to law enforcement, this blog covers many of the happenings around the country. If you want a good list that shows many articles you may not have the chance to see otherwise, the School Safety Law Blog is a good starting point to continue to educate yourself about these issues.

3. Youth Risk Prevention Specialists

The operators of the Youth Risk Prevention Specialists blog have curated articles on topics ranging from school safety and school violence prevention, to human trafficking and administrative support. Their blog has been in operation for years and they have hundreds of excellent articles to read through. Company owner Suzanne Sibole also provides training in her programs and while we can’t personally attest to her program’s effectiveness, we can say that her blog displays a high-level of knowledge and proficiency in the field of school safety.

4. The ALICE Training Institute

For articles related to active shooter training and prevention, the blog at the ALICE Training Institute website has long been a knowledge leader. The ALICE Institute specializes in providing advanced training to provide those who may be in an active shooter situation the best possible chance of survival. Our trainers are ALICE certified and we believe in their programs. Their blog hasn’t been updated since December 2017, but the articles that are on the blog are of such high quality that we hope they begin updating it again soon.

5. The Crisis Prevention Institute

While the articles at The Crisis Prevention Institute blog are not specifically related to education and school safety, we enjoy their articles because of the wide scope of topics they cover, the excellent quality of their articles, and the variety of delivery types the offer. Their content includes blog articles, legislation updates, podcasts, and e-books, and we enjoy learning through each of their mediums. If you’re looking for information directly related to school safety or school lockdown systems, this blog may not be your starting point, but if you’re interested in an abundance of content related to risk prevention, this is the site for you.

6. NAESP Blog

The National Association of Elementary School Principals site is dedicated to assisting educators create the best possible environment for their students, and their blog is no different. With a variety of articles related to quality in education, the NAESP blog provides an educator’s perspective on the issues and topics important to them, and their site as a whole is a good resource for anyone interested in learning more about the education system as a whole.

7. NASP Blog

The National Association of School Psychologists website is another great overall site with tons of information about education, school safety, and a myriad of other topics. The site itself is and excellent resource, and their blog holds a great deal of information about topics important to them. These topics include legislative information, advocacy information, school safety topic discussions, as well as various other topics. We recommend anyone looking for a wide variety of topics and interests to check out the NASP blog and see their great content for yourself.

Why Learning Is So important

Learning is the backbone of advancement, and we believe that advancing all aspects of education are incredibly important. By advancing education in all ways, we can continue to advance school safety as well. Educators, parents, administrators, school lockdown system providers, and law enforcement are all operating with the best interest of students and children at heart. We may not always agree on the best way to protect our students, but we always agree that educating them in a safe environment is our number one priority, so learning more about how each other think and operate is important. There are many blogs that discuss these topics, and we’d love to hear which ones are your favorite so we can continue to learn and provide our students with the safest and best environment possible.

*While we enjoy and recommend these blogs, as well as the sites in which they are located, any opinions expressed in their content are solely those of the site owners and do not represent the opinions or policies of The LockOut Company.
