Bobby The Boot

Plan for it. Practice for it. Understand it.

Meet Bobby,
The Classroom Safety Hero

Bobby The Boot is the ultimate classroom safety hero! With the install of our products, Bobby will be there to ensure protection to all students and teachers. When an intruder enters a school, Bobby immediately goes into Lockdown mode by crunching his fists and boots into the floor to ensure a secure doorway and alleviate the stress and anxiety associated with a Lockdown for students and teachers. With Bobby the safety hero in your schools, you can expect an orderly and efficient Lockdown procedure at all times.

Bobby The Boot's Classroom Safety Comic Book

We created the “Bobby The Boot” comic book to promote total safety and protection in your schools and classrooms in a way that children can understand. Sometimes school and classroom lockdowns can be a scary thing for younger children. With Bobby The Boot, there is no need to be scared! He is the safety hero, there to save the day.

Coming Soon to a school near you!

When your students receive our Bobby The Boot comic book, we ask that they take their copy home and read through it with their parents. At the end of the comic book, the student signs, the parent signs, sealed with a date to ensure that both the student and the parent understand the purpose of The Boot® and how it will protect students and teachers. There is even a section reserved for parents to ask questions to the teacher if they have any. 

Bobby the boot mascot

Want to meet Bobby The Boot in real life? No problem! With the installation of our products in your school, Bobby The Boot will come visit your students after they all rip out and turn in the signature page to their teachers. He visits classrooms, attends K-5 student training sessions, and gives plenty of high-fives and hugs!

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