Bobby The Boot: An Important Part of The LockOut Family

If you’ve ever seen the LockOut team out in your community, whether it be to install The LockOut System at a new location, to help schools fundraise, to work with local first responders and the police force to create a more synergistic relationship, or if we’re just out and about, you may notice that our mascot is usually somewhere nearby.
He may be there “in person”, there may be a cutout of him standing watch near our crew, or you may see his face printed on materials that have with us.
Some people ask us who he is, some ask what he means, and some ask why a building safety and lockdown company would need a mascot, especially a cartoon character!
Our Belief
To understand Bobby The Boot is to understand what we believe as a company. We understand, fully, that what we do, and why we do it, isn’t always an easy topic. In fact, it can be incredibly difficult at times. Sometimes, especially when we are implementing in a school or even a daycare facility, it hits us a little harder that the reason we’re installing our products is to protect the people who come to this building every day to learn, play, and grow, from harm.
We continue to evolve, grow, and even exist, because we care about the people we are protecting. We understand that it’s possible that our products can protect people, and even save lives in the event of a worst-case scenario lockdown. We also understand that it can be difficult, especially for children, to understand that just because we are putting these safety and lockdown systems in place, doesn’t mean that a bad person is going to hurt them. It doesn’t mean that they should be afraid. What it means is that there are people out there: their parents, teachers, administrators, building supervisors, spiritual leaders, and so many others, that want to protect them if something terrible ever happened. That’s who Bobby represents.
Bobby In Real Life
In real life, Bobby is well, Bobby. The son of LockOut Company President, and founder of The Lockdown Company, Rob Couturier, Bobby believes in what we do, and is proud of the fact that we work hard to create products and systems designed to protect people and keep them safe.
The one thing Bobby was worried about was that children, as we mentioned earlier, might not understand what’s happening when a LockOut implementation is occurring, and may be confused, or even frightened. He thought that it may be a great idea for us to have some form of character to help train younger children in usage of The Boot&trade, so instead of just being another thing they had to, learn, it could be something fun for them. He also thought that if we had Bobby The Boot there, even if was just a cutout of him, it would give the kids the idea that someone was watching over them. We know that there are so many people already working to keep them safe, but children don’t always see the world how we do, and Bobby thought that but by harnessing their powerful imaginations, and giving them a character to look up to, we could show them that the people protecting them stronger than the “bad guys” that may want to do them harm.
Bobby's "Superpowers"
Bobby’s superpower is that he can slam his fist down onto the floor and stop any “bad guy” from entering a room, but his real power is helping people feel safe so they can ask about The LockOut System, so they can train in using our products with less fear, and so they can feel safer, not less safe, because people that care about them have made an investment in their safety.

Bobby may pop up during planning, installation, training, or anytime after to check up on his partners to make sure they are listening to their teachers and haven’t forgotten how to use any part of the LockOut System.
We Love Bobby
We love Bobby because even though he is a character, he represents what we represent, and he gives us the opportunity to work with the people who need to understand our system, especially children, on a level that makes them more comfortable.
Bobby gives us the chance to put just a little fun into a very serious effort. He takes away some of the apprehension of the topic of lockdown safety, and he brings smiles to the faces of the children we want so badly to protect.