LockOut Company Issued Utility Patents for LockOut System

The LockOut Company, developers of the LockOut SmartBoot System, have been issued utility patents for various components of the LockOut SmartBoot System.
What Is The LockOut System?
The LockOut System, developed in Michigan, pairs physical door barricade and entry deterrent devices with Bluetooth technology and mobile applications to create a comprehensive building lockdown system.
What Parts of the System Are Covered in the Patents?
These patents cover multiple aspects of the LockOut System, including The Boot™, door barricade device, The SmartLight visual alert lighting, and the proprietary Bluetooth communication mesh system that allows for instant, secured transmission of information about a facility lockdown.
While receiving patents in itself is not a goal for The LockOut Company team, our company understands how important it is to continue to strive for advancement in facility lockdown safety and security. By pushing technology forward, we can find new ways to protect those that depend on our systems everyday.
The Importance of Advancing Technology
By confronting the issue of school, worship facility, workplace, healthcare, and public center violence, among others, head on, the LockOut Company believes that lives can be saved. Through proper planning and system implementation, these facilities can fight back against those that may wish to do harm to their occupants, creating a safer environment for everyone as we live our day-to-day lives.